Here is some info on Vessal and Fridge, the two changeling twins.
The oldest of the two. She is smart, bright and loves to see things burn. Which fits perfectly with her element. Her powers revolve around fire and her main attack is Flame Inferno. Where huge terrifying flames rage up from the ground at her enemy.
The youngest and less mature. He loves a good prank and joke and always messes around. His powers revolve around the element of ice and his main attack is Icicle Storm which he sends out billions of icicles at his enemy.
Vessal and Fridge
Here is a picture of Vessal and Fridge in disguise on earth in order to get closer to Goku and his family in order to commence their plans. But it doesn't help when Fridge falls in love with Pan! Vessal --- known as Suki Fridge --- known as Harry